Sunday, August 17, 2014

Final Semester

I can not believe that it is my final semester at Troy. This journey has seen tears, smiles, laughter, and many other emotions. I would not want it any other way or wish I was anywhere else! The memories that I have made are irreplaceable and rewarding. I have been to all of my class now and enjoying them and know that they are going to be alot of work. I only have 12 hours, but that is carrying 2 senior capstone classes that are going to be alot of work. All of the classes have around 4-5 projects or presentations most of them in groups. So we will see how that goes! The first day of classes i received a phone call that was very exciting. I received confirmation about my internship in the spring at Andrews Institute at the Baptist Medical Park! I am very excited about this and the opportunities that will come with it. This is all in God's hands as well is the rest of my future. Sometimes I try to plan my life and where I will be, but we all know that Gods plans and our plans sometimes are complete opposites. So i am glad that He is in control of my life! Rommates have been amazing! Not everyday that you get to room with one of your best friends! We have enjoyed working out together, cooking together, and watching movies all the time. I just finished meal prepping and cooking all my meals for the week, With school getting busy and being tired I decided to do this to make things easier for me and to help hold myself accountable for healthy eating!

Best friend visited on her way back to school!

Troy sunsets can be breath taking!

Our old D-group! Never a dull moment with us, wouldnt be where I am today without these two!

Roommate Bonding! Happy Hour at Sonic

Our Valentine Day gifts from Hannah last year!

As we talked today in church, We are Blessed, to be a Blessing to Others. 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

A week removed

Well exactly one week ago, I packed my car and left my summer family of 200 people. It started to hit me when I finally got time to just sit back and relax and have alone time. I have tried to adjust to going to bed before 1am and its very strange not to have 5 other girls in my room and falling asleep to people talking and the lights on. I truly miss those moments and miss many of the friends that I have made. So really missing project and work and all the friendships that I made!  I am excited to get back to Troy on Sunday and start my last semester there. It is strange to think about and scary to know that I am about to be done with college and no clue what I am going to do yet. But the best part about that is that I serve a God who is in control of all of that! Sunday group of us went out on the boats for lunch and then to Sand Mountain to relax. It was a nice time. Then this week I was reunited with Katie as she is dog sitting right now. It has been good to just catch up and be back together! This morning I met my roommate from Troy and our D-group leader from last year at Navarre and did a little beach time and catching up about this past summer! It was very refreshing and great to just relax and not have to think! Then after that I went to go and make a change. I went and got my haircut! Went  short again and you can tell in the picture! Please be in prayer for me as I start my last time at Troy and as I continue to work on my internship!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Summer Video

Highlights from this summer!

Life Changing

A picture is worth a thousand words and I thought that is the best way to show my last few weeks. Many emotions flood my mind, and words can not describe how amazing this summer was.

Victory run in th Gulf!

The one and only Sandman, my home for 2 months

My summer family of 200! 

Marge! We working hard on our last day!

The Dream Team, Mary Slate, Matt, Stephen , myself. These are the people who made work fun and memorable. 

Whataburger crew on the Last day of work!

Jeff- Double F! My partner in crime and in ministry!

Baptisms on the Bay!

Team 1, champions in Trojan Games!
Dennis my supervisor!

I wish that I could write into words about how amazing my summer was, but words can not do justice for what happened this summer and how grateful I am that I got to be apart of it!