Monday, January 28, 2013

Proud Daughter

This weekend was a proud daughter moment for me. Saturday night my dad got a phone call from Tracy Allen and some text messages saying that he was awarded Man of the Year from the chamber, Tracy being such a joker dad thought he was pulling his leg once again! But after a few phones calls then seeing the award with his name it is true. My dad does so much for our family and the community is right there behind us. He is always doing two or three things a day besides he usual work and family duties. I hope that one day I can be attest half the person that my dad has never had to be. He is a great role model to look up too and i am glad that man lives in my house! Love him so much, yeah you can say that i am Daddy's girl! 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Across the World

Tonight I was fortunate enough to talk to Scott and Vikki while they are in Nanning (China) with their new adopted daughter Mykena Grace! It was a precious moment to hear her talk and to see her play Mickey Mouse on the iPad. Hearing her talk to me in chinese was interesting! I got to see Nanning also very busy place to say the least. It was great to finally hear the words her daddy or her mommy, I remember the first time they told me they were adopting and prayers ever since and are finally being answered. I told them that a few weeks after they told me that I had a dream I was away at college when they adopted their baby and she said no it wouldn't be that early. But we serve a mighty God who works in His time and not ours! Milton get ready to meet this precious, talking non stop girl, she is going to be a blessing beyond measure! Cant wait to meet this precious gift from God in March!

Troy feels like a star

Well today is a BIG day for the community of Troy! The grand opening of Chick-fil-a! May not seem like much of anything to the average person, but when you live in a city where Walmart is the most happening place it is! Especially since we have a mini one on campus and all i heard was horror stories about it so I haven't ate there i decided to wait till this one opened up! Worth the wait for sure! I was very impressed with how organized the place was and how quick everything went. Then also got to see Mr.Dan Cathy CEO, himself there, now a man who stands for what he believes in and takes pride in his work. He walked around cleaning up and then when we were leaving he was taking out the trash. We need more people in the world like him. Yesterday, I did something that not everyone is able to do or would volunteer to do and that is donating blood. This time it was with Lifesouth and the best experience i have had with anyone when i have given blood. It was give a pint to give a pint of ice cream from the local ice cream shop Milky Moos, so i got me some French Vanilla Cappuccino ice cream and it was delis!! So today I found out that University of West Florida officially got their Physical Therapy Doctorate program, which is a 3 year program partnered with South Florida and you do 1 year in Tampa then the other 2 in Pensacola. That has been my "dream" and all and now in the fall my major will be Sport,Fitness and Hospitality Management i can switch over to it or stay with me Sports and Fitness Management that i have right now. So just praying that God will lead me in the direction that He wants me to go. So that is a prayer request for me. Well I hope that you have a great day! "God hears our requests. But His answer isn't always what we'd like it to be. Because He knows more about life than we do"


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Back in It!

Well been back in Troy in classes for two weeks now. I have started my workouts again starting with some Jillian Michael workouts first the 30 day Shred then the Yoga Meltdown! Excited to get back in shape and toned up! Classes are going good, my A&P II class and lab is the same ole same ole, then Music is what i thought it would be: boring! haha I'm just not into the whole reading music and listening for certain things. Then i have 3 classes for my major which i am excited about! I am enjoying the Sport Psychology, being able to relate and keeps me close to me passion on sports! Sport finance is just getting started and then i have Sport Marketing, which has been interesting and exciting. I like the idea of being involved with the sport industry even though i am not on the field playing. Im praying that God will lead me in the right direction to continue the path for His will for my future!  This weekend is the last weekend for me to go hunting with the season coming to a close, I haven't been able to hunt as much with being away and working but i have enjoyed the time i have gotten to go. Hunting is such a love hate relationship with the woods and the weather! lol.I can't believe that it is almost February, time is flying by! Im excited for the spring to get here to go and watch some baseball and softball games. Brings back some bittersweet moments. Im excited to see the softball team to relive some of my memories and our baseball team is pretty good to, having some classes with a few of the players is exciting also! So i will be sure to keep everyone posted. Hope that everyone is staying away from the Flu and all the other health bugs and anything else! Quote of the post: "Making one person smile can change the world,  maybe not the whole world, but their world"

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New Year , New Adventures

Happy 2013 everyone!!
Hope that everyone has had a great start to this new year! Well completed my first day of the second semester here at Troy, I will be taking 15 credit hours which will consist of Anatomy and Physiology II and its lab, Music Appreciation (required), Sport Finance and Business, Sport Marketing, and Psychology of Wellness. So this will be another fun filled semester! Well Christmas and New Years was a great relaxing time in good ole Milton. Then to start off the year I loaded up with Lindsay and went to Atlanta for 4 days at Passion which is like a huge Christian College conference. I mean there was only 60,00+ people in the Georgia Dome! Artist such as Chris Tomlin, Matt Redman, Christy Knockles, David Crowder, Kristian Stanfill, and more were there, Then you have speakers such as Louie Giglio, Beth Moore, John Piper, and Francis Chan! Was a great time spent there and a great way to start off the new year! Hope that everyone is doing great and making an impact wherever that may be! Quote of the post came from Clark Youngbloods wonderful board of quotes! I was fortunate to have him for 2 years and i have  been able to go back twice and sit in my same seat and listen to him teach! Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go to move forward! Remember tough times don't last but tough people do!!

Oh yeah can i hear a ROLL TIDE?!?!? #15 baby!